Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Move's impact

Author's Notes: this is to show my understanding of cause and effect

Nothing seems the same, everything packed away in boxes upon boxes. Today we are loading all of the boxes onto a truck that will be taking it to some new house my parents have bought, up north. My family and I are going to the new house today too, but I don’t see why we can’t keep our house we already own. Nothing was left in our house after we loaded everything on the truck, nothing, not one thing. All the animals were in the car, while I was saying goodbye to all the rooms, my hiding places and my favorite room of all, my toy room. Crying in the car, watching the one house that will remain in my memory forever and ever, vanishing right before my eyes, behind the trees. In my life, one major event was moving to Pewaukee Wisconsin. This move affected everyone in my family in many ways.

Most of the effects the move had on me were bad, but there was some ok ones. Like how I cry everyday because I hate the school district I am going to and I am not close to a real beach with an OCEAN. Another way the move has affected me is holding a grudge on my dad for not talking to me about it until they were looking at houses up in little Pewaukee WI and I will never, ever forgive him for it. One other way that the move had affected me was that I had to make new friends, which was a good thing and bad thing. The bad part about it is that I am shy so it takes a long time for me to make friends and a good thing about that was I meet new people to hang out with.

The move did not just affect me it also affected my family. One of the ways it has affected my family was a bigger house which I don’t really care about because we are not growing the family. My dad got a better paying job so we have more money but i’m still mad at dad though. Better school district for my sister and I, but I hate the school district more and more every day because of how the school is computer based, but I don’t hate the teachers. Last thing that the move has affected my family is that we are closer to relatives which is a good and bad thing only because i get to spend more time with them, but some can get on my nerves very quickly.

As we packed up my boxes that day, I was angry, frustrated, and mad. Little did I truly know that the move would have a humungous impact on me. Parents must realize before deciding to move how their children will react to the move and how it might affect the rest of their lives

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