Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Revealons

Authors Note: Bloody Jack was written in Jacky’s point of view. This is a creative piece in Jaimy’s point of view when Jacky revealed to just him that he is really a she.

I poked my head up on the mizzen top to see if Jacky was there. When I saw that he was I hopped up on the mizzen top and sat down and said nothing because I was vary nervous. What should I tell him? Should I tell him at all? I thought in my head during the long silence. Then I finally broke the silence and asked him “Why don’t you come up to the foretop with the rest of us anymore?”

Then he shook his head and said “No Jaimy.” Jacky said As sweetly as he always does. Augh, no Jaimy! No! “I just make all of you uncomfortable.” Jacky finished.  After that I did not know what to say, so I went back to contemplating and so there was more silence. All I could think of was what to say? How should I say it? Will he ever talk to me after I tell him? I should just stay away from that topic.

So I said “I’ll bet you regret getting the brotherhood tattoo now, don’t you?”

“No, I don’t regret it. When I got it we was all mates and I’ll always remember that time fondly.” Jacky said. Should I, should I? I should, no. I thought I decided to stay away from that topic. I was thinking in the silence.

Then all of a sudden, Jacky broke the silence. “What you want to say to me Jaimy?”How can he tell that I want to say something and that I’m scared too? Then he looked me in the eye but I couldn’t, would not meet his gaze.

“When I was mean to you...” I had a long break because I was so scared that he wouldn’t talk to me anymore but then I keep going. “I thought I …” Maybe I should stop but too late now. “I was becoming one of those sodomites,” I finished, it not coming out too easily. “Not with anyone else. Just with you.” I added on.

“You’ll just have to get over that, won’t you,” he said. “As it ain’t natural.” Then he went to his sewing. Neither one of us said anything for a while.

“I know it’s not natural and I know I’ll have to leave the service,” I finally manage to say; barely above a whisper, hoping he wouldn’t hear. “Good-bye Jacky. None of it was your fault.” I said when I begin to rise.

“Wait,” he said getting on his feet and me sitting back down. “Before you go, I want you hold this up so I can measure it.”

“Wh-What is it?” I asked very confused. Is it a dress, a new uniform? Why would he have a dress? Why would he be making a new uniform? He has a perfectly good one on.

“A dress,” he replied

“A dress? For whom?” I asked more confused than I have ever been.

“For me. Now stand up.” he commanded me. Why for him? Is he a sodomite like me? As I got up, he pulled off his white over shirt and he popped open the top four buttons of his vest. Wait, hold it he-he’s a girl? That means that I was not a sodomite. He, I mean she, ran his, no, her hand over her beautiful blond hair. To fluff it up or something I don’t really know. Then Jacky took a deep breath and said, “Ah yes. That certainly feels better. Now Jaimy, hold it up to me.” but I was to stunned to do anything other than stare at her “Take the dress, Jaimy, come on. Don’t be shy, now. Tuck it up against my ribs…” then she took my hands and lead them to her ribs, it felt nice. “Right, push it up there while I mark it. Hold it now.” I was trembling because I was by a girl this whole time and I didn’t know it. “There. Thanks,” she said and all I could do was stand there stunned like a idiot. She went back to her sewing, but did not button up her vest nor put on her shirt. Still all I could do is stand stunned at what just had happened. Then he looked up at me and said “What’s the matter, Jaimy? Ain’t-cha never seen a girl?”

It was a good ten minutes of me standing there thinking what just happened? I should go now, but I think she wants me to stay. Then I sat down for another ten minutes just looking at her. At last I came to my senses “What are we going to do, Jacky?” I said still stunned.

She got to her feet and she faced me, square on. “Well, Jaimy,” she said “you can kiss me, if you love me.” I did and that is where our romance began.


When the scene was originally told from Jacky’s point of view, the reader gets the idea that Jacky is cautious to go to the foretop with the rest of the ships boys because she fears they may be suspecting something. Jacky values friendship because she does not regret getting the brother hood tattoo. The reader also gets the impression that Jacky is not shy because she undresses to reveal that she is a girl instead of just telling him.

When the scene was changed to Jaimy’s point of view, the reader gets the impression that Jacky is a commanding boy because she ordered Jaimy to stand up. Another impression you get of Jacky from Jaimy’s point of view is that she does not like hanging around and goofing off with her friends. One more idea that a reader gets of Jacky is that she is very comfortable in any situation even if the is taking off her clothing in front of a guy to reveal that she is a girl. 

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