Monday, October 29, 2012

Patriot's Pen

Authors note: This piece is about what I would say to the founding fathers for the Patriot's Pen contest.

Our Founding Fathers gave us many freedoms when they wrote the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Most of the rights I agree with, but there are some that they should have changed.

I agree with several of the founding fathers' ideas. Because of what our founding fathers did, I am thankful that I am able to go to the church that I want to go to. I can say and write what I want as long as it doesn’t invade someone else’s rights. Troops are not able to force people to let them stay at their house.  Police and other law enforcement have to have a search warrant to enter my home.

There were many good rights that we had, but there were some rights that they needed to change. I understand why they wrote the law Right to Bear Arms, but I feel that criminals are able to get their hands on weapons quicker than if we didn’t have that right.  The “all men treated equally right” was quite unfair, because neither blacks nor women were able to vote.  Women were only allowed to vote if their husbands had died and they owned land.

The bill of rights has lasted for 200 years. New amendments have been added to improve the original 10 amendments. This gave the women the right to vote in 1920 and in 1865 ended slavery. I don’t think our government today could do any better than our founding fathers. 

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